Event Photos

TAEP Grant Plantings - Winter 2023

Trees Knoxville was awarded a Tennessee Agricultural Enhancement Program (TAEP) grant to plant trees throughout Knoxville during the 2022-2023 planting season. We partnered with the City of Knoxville and Keep Knoxville Beautiful to carry out seven tree plantings. Together with the help of hundreds of volunteers we planted over 150 trees! For this project trees were planted on Freemason Street, Northwest Middle Greenway, MLK Jr. Ave, Skyline Park, North Peters Road, the Blackstock Extension Greenway, and Linden Ave.

Thank you to KBrew, Cortese Tree Specialists, and Three Rivers Market for sponsoring our plantings.

Tennessee Shade Your Stream Goose Creek March 26, 2022

25 volunteers helped livestake 250 unrooted trees and planted 25 riparian plants and trees along 300’ on Goose Creek. This project was funded by the Tennessee River Basin Network to help preserve riparian buffers and clean water. Volunteers geared-up in waders to work in the creek for the livestaking! Volunteers planted along the riparian buffer zone, mulched, and set no-mow signs to protect the new plantings. Thank you to everyone who showed up to make this project possible!

Weed Wrangle March 5, 2022

It was a beautiful day on Goose Creek in Mary Vestal Park for some invasive plant removal! Weed Wrangle is a national work day for invasive plant removal. Ijams Nature Center organizes Weed Wrangle in Knoxville. Goose Creek was one of 5 locations working to eradicate invasive plants. This event was phase one in a year long project to repair the riparian buffer along Goose Creek as part of the Tennessee Shade Your Stream grant from the Tennessee River Basin Network.

Fort Sanders February 26th, 2022

A HUGE thank you to the 50 volunteers who showed up on a chilly cloudy February morning to help plant 40 street trees on Forest Ave between 13th and 16th. Trees Knoxville would also like to thank the Department of Urban Forestry whose expertise is always appreciated! This tree planting was made possible by a grant from the Tennessee Agricultural Enhancement Program (TAEP).

Mary Vestal Park Greenway January 15, 2022

It was the first plant of the year, and despite some damp cold temps, we had a magnificent volunteer turn out! This plant was made possible with a grant from Cemex & Ready Mix along with the city’s Challenge Grant. Thank you to all our volunteers who planted 20 trees along the Mary Vestal Greenway in Vestal. Thank you to the city’s Urban Forestry Department for their help in obtaining and delivering the trees as well as providing support during the event.

Volunteers planted 7 different species: (2) D.D. Blanchard Magnolia, (3) Green Gable Blackgum, (3) Burr Oak, (3) Pin Oak, (3) Shawnee Brave Bald Cypress, (3) Everclear Elm, (3) Exclamation Planetree.

Dogwood Elementary Mac Post Arboretum November 20, 2021

There is no better feeling than planting trees on a Saturday morning with friends. Trees Knoxville with Keep Knoxville Beautiful planted 16 Dogwood trees at the Mac Post Arboretum creating a unique Dogwood Grove for Dogwood Elementary’s outdoor classroom. This area gives the opportunity to see unique species of Dogwood trees as well as favorite varieties. Dogwood trees are understory trees, and this location is absolutely perfect for these trees. Thank you to everyone who showed up and helped out at the Arboretum.

Arbor Day in Knoxville November 9, 2021

Knoxville celebrates Arbor Day in November! The City of Knoxville Public Service Department, City Tree Board, Trees Knoxville and the Knoxville Utility Board came together on November 9th to mark this special day. Knoxville has been designated a Tree City by the Arbor Day Foundation for the past 30 years.

Surrounded by the colors of fall, it was the perfect day to celebrate Arbor Day and trees. After Mayor Kincannon read the proclamation, the students of West Hills Elementary and all the local dignitaries joined in to plant trees next to the pickle ball court in West Hills park.

Guy B Love Towers November 6, 2021

Guy B. Love Towers is a high-rise property with two seven-story apartment buildings and provides a safe, comfortable community for seniors, disabled and near-elderly individuals. In collaboration with the Native Plant Rescue Squad, 30 Carolina See Shrub were planted to replace a row of boxwoods that were in poor health. When we found a dogwood in need of help, Trees Knoxville board member Kerstin Sisco was able to give an impromptu lesson showing what happens over time when a tree is planted too deep, mulched improperly, and damaged by landscaping devices.

Fall Festival at the Knoxville Botanical Garden and Arboretum

What a lovely day at the Fall Festival held on Sunday, October 24th. Thank you to all our volunteers who brought trees for our Community Tree Swap. We received around 40 trees that found good homes and were donated to the Native Plant Rescue Squad. Tabling at community events is an important part of Trees Knoxville’s Outreach programming.

Citizens Cemetery Part I

On Saturday, April 24, Trees Knoxville Volunteer Foresters, Earthadelic, and the Public Health Graduate Student Association worked together to help out the Knoxville Re-Animation Coalition for a massive invasive plant removal effort at Citizens Cemetery. Citizens Cemetery is a historic African American cemetery founded in 1836 in East Knoxville. Both freedmen and slaves were buried in there in the 1800s. It is estimated to hold 5,000 to 6,000 graves, but no one knows for sure. As generations come and go, it has sat neglected for many years.

Citizens Cemetery Part II

On May 1, 2021 several volunteers helped clean out the brush from the April 24th, 2021 workday that got rained out. In three hours, the six of us were able to pull out as much brush as volunteers did on April 24th in an hour. We had beautiful weather that was perfect for working. We had a great time and uncovered a few more graves. There is still brush and work to do. If your group is interested in helping out at Citizens Cemetery contact George Kemp at edisonk82@comcast.net.

Trees 4 Two Nations 10th Anniversary

At 10 am on April 10th, Trees Knoxville along with Knoxville Botanical Gardens, Boyd’s Jig and Reel, and Borderland Tees celebrated Trees 4 Two Nations 10th year anniversary featuring key note speaker, the Lorax of Knoxville, Jim Cortese of TIPCO.

In the spring of 2011, The USA and Scotland planted 4 trees together in celebration of friendship. Two trees were planted at the Knoxville Botanical Gardens, Knoxville TN USA and two trees were planted at the Royal Botanical Gardens Edinburgh Scotland UK.

Sam Duff Memorial Park Tree Planting

On April 6, a group of neighbors came together with Elmington Capital and Trees Knoxville Volunteer Foresters. Thank you to all who came out to help…it was a hot one. 16 Volunteers planted 10 ball and burlap trees were planted at Sam Duff Memorial Park to help grow the variety of species as they apply to become a certified arboretum!

Wild Plum and Red Mulberry Seedling Giveaway March 13, 2021

On Saturday, March 13th, Trees Knoxville gave 1000 seedlings for our second annual fruit seedling give away. Seedlings went to hundreds of people in a drive thru giveaway. Seedlings were gone in an hour and half. Thank you to our Trees Knoxville volunteers who wrapped the trees to protect the roots during transit and before planting. We couldn’t have done it without you!

Thank you WATE for the coverage!

Collier Preserve January 30, 2021

In collaboration with Legacy Parks Foundation, Trees Knoxville and 48 hard-working volunteers planted 42 trees in freezing temperatures. The Preserve was the Collier Family’s historic homestead and is a 12-acre nature park in Powell. The property was donated to Legacy Parks in 2017 by Dr. Bob and Louise Collier.

Drive-Thru Tree Giveaway May 23, 2020

A donation of 300 seedlings and saplings led to the collaboration between Keep Knoxville Beautiful and Trees Knoxville to produce our first drive-thru tree giveaway to distribute trees for free to the public during Covid-19. Due to CDC guidelines, volunteers wore masks and remained 6 feet from the public. People picking up trees stayed in their cars and also wore masks. 300 trees were given to 75 individuals. Due to the popularity of the event, the trees were quickly gone, and we had to turn many people away. Overall, this was a very successful event and efficient way of distributing trees.

Weed Wrangle February 29, 2020

We put to good use the extra day in this Leap Year to team up with the Knoxville Botanical Garden and Arboretum to participate in Ijams 5th Annual Weed Wrangle. 20 Volunteers pulled invasive species from the grounds for three hours! KBGA reported that they hauled off over two trailers full of invasive weeds.

Lonsdale Neighborhood February 22, 2020

It was beautiful weather for planting trees along Connecticut Ave in the Lonsdale neighborhood. The morning began crisp but clear with gorgeous blue skies. It was a very busy morning, and with the assistance of the City of Knoxville’s Horticulture Department, 30 Volunteers planted 50 street trees as part of the Tennessee Department of Agriculture’s TAEP (Tennessee Agricultural Enhancement Program) grant. We also were able to use our new shovels given to us as part of a $1000.00 from Corona Tools!

Fruit and Nut Seedling Give Away February 15, 2020

It was cold outside, but warm inside The Bloom Center greenhouse as 15 volunteers helped Trees Knoxville give out 1400 seedlings. 600 additional seedlings were distributed among community groups, farms, land trusts, land and river restoration projects, non-profits, and Weed Wrangle volunteers. Species included Pawpaw, Persimmon, Shagbark Hickory, Mockernut Hickory. We handed out literature on proper planting and mulching techniques as well! Thank you to The Bloom Center for hosting the event!

Victor Ashe Park February 8, 2020

The day didn’t begin with snow, but about an hour into the plant, the snow starting coming down! 23 volunteers never gave up through the cold and muddy conditions to plant 25 trees along the Victor Ashe Greenway as part of the City of Knoxville’s Challenge Grant. If you are a 501(c)3, 501(c)4 or 501(c)6 may be eligible to receive city funds to improve a public park and/or other public recreational facility. Examples of groups who could possibly apply include garden clubs, athletic commissions, scout troops, PTA’s, home owner associations, community clubs, and designated non‐profit groups. If your group would like to apply for a grant to plant trees and partner with Trees Knoxville, please contact us!

The Cottages at Clifton January 25, 2020 (Part I)

It was the first tree plant of the new year, and it proved to be a challenging one, but Trees Knoxville volunteers persevered through wet, cold, uneven terrain, and mud to plant 25 trees at 15 homes for seniors. It was quite a morning, but Trees Knoxville could never have pulled off such an endeavor without our amazing volunteers! We appreciate you so much!

Enterprise Car Rental November 12, 2019

We had 23 volunteers, including 4 Volunteer Foresters, show up to Fort Sanders on a rare snowy November morning! Despite the frigid temperatures, volunteers planted 10 street trees on Forest Ave and 2 trees at James Agee Park. Thank you, Enterprise for helping us grow Knoxville’s urban canopy!

Friendship Force October 14, 2019 and November 19, 2019

Friendship Force is a non-profit interntional organization that promotes cultural understanding. FF utilizes travel as a means to meet people from different cultures and places rather than emphasizing the place itself. By being a guest in other people’s homes and by inviting them to be a guest in their homes, FF believes that they can break barriers that divide us.

Trees Knoxville assisted Friendship Force Knoxville in planting two Tulip Poplars at to symbolize the meetings of these different groups. The trees are planted in the Pollinator Garden at the Center for Urban Ag at the Knoxville Botanical Garden and Arboretum. As more groups visit Knoxville, the plan is to establish an International Tree Walk. The two groups are from Friendship Force Sonoma California and Friendship Force Republic of Georgia (pics to come).

Invasive Plant Removal September 14, 2019

16 volunteers, to include 6 of our Volunteer Foresters, came out on an unseasonably hot September morning to assist with an invasive plant removal project in collaboration with Mabry Hazen House. Volunteers removed 10 truckloads of the unwanted plant species to uncover dogwoods, rhododendrons, redbud, sassafrass...it was a productive morning. Did I mention it was HOT! Thank you to everyone who participated.

Volunteer Appreciation 2019

It was warm summer evening at the Bearden Beer Market as we fired up the grill and to celebrate our amazing volunteers. “Adults”, kids, dogs, food! We wouldn’t planting trees and growing community without you. Time is precious. Thank you for choosing to spend your time with us. If you would like to become a volunteer, we’d love to have you!

ISA Arbor Fair and International Tree Climbing Competition

August 9-11 @ Lakeshore Park

Climbers and folks came from all over the world to compete for World Champion Tree Climber! It was a very exciting weekend filled with some amazing sport. Knoxville was very fortunate to have hosted this event!