Public Service Announcements

Does Your Tree Have Flare?

Instructional Videos

Lee Rumble from Knox County Extension and Kasey Krouse Knoxville's Urban Forester show us the correct way to plant a ball and burlap tree.
Trees grown in containers may have roots that circle the rootball. If planted like this, the tree will eventually die. In this video, Kasey Krouse, Knoxville...
Kasey Krouse, City of Knoxville's Urban Forester, explains how to correctly mulch a tree.
When trees are planted incorrectly without orienting the roots outward from the stem of the tree, a tree may develop girdling roots. Trees with severe girdli...
Kasey Krouse, City of Knoxville's Urban Forester, gives some pruning tips to Trees Knoxville's Volunteer Foresters.

Fruit Tree and Goumi Bush Pruning with Lee Rumble

For Fun

Trees Knoxville Board Member and Founder of BattleField Farm and Gardens, Christopher Battle, recites "Trees" written by Joyce Kilmer.

For more information on BattleField Farm and Gardens, visit their FB at

Educational Webinars

Kasey Krouse, Knoxville’s Urban Forester, talks about how to hire a professional tree service and why it is important.

Knoxville's resident Lorax, Jim Cortese, shares his experiences and observations from his 40+ years as an ISA Certified Arborist.
Lee Rumble is a Tennessee native with nearly two decades in the arboricultural industry. He received his International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Arboris...
It's that time of year when the canopy changes from summer green to the brilliant colors of fall. Please join Trees Knoxville as we present Dr. Paul Ries who...

Knoxville Tree Board Series